Dryer Maintenance


RNC Dryer Start & Stop

Starting and Stopping RNC Dryers with Digi-Pro

/ For RNC up to 350 CFM

Dryer Maintenance
Dryer Maintenance
Dryer Maintenance

RNC Refrigerated Dryer Digital Controller

User Interface: During normal operation the display shows the evaporation temperature.

Showing Machine Status

Operation: During normal operation, the digital controller display shows the evaporation temperature.

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Menu Buttons

Mode Display Buttons

Alarm Display

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Alarms/ warnIngs are displayed on the digital screen. That means the dryers is not working under normal operating conditions, which are outside the range of set values.
Alarm Code Alarm Description Reason for Alarm
tAL Low Temperature Alarm Refrigerant line temperature is lower than specified set values
tAH High Temperature Alarm Refrigerant line temperature is higher than specified set values
FIL Filter Change Alarm Filter element needs to be replaced
SEr General Service Alarm General service time of the dryer
HPr High Pressure Alarm Refrigerant high line pressure is higher than specified set values
Pr1 Temperature Probe Alarm Temperature sensor is faulty
hF1 Running Hours Alarm The dryer running hours allowed has been reached
Dryer Maintenance
Please contact service when an alarm/warning occurs.


3.1 Alarm Output

3.2 Device / Compressor Running Hours for SEr
Parameter sets to record the device running hours or the compressor running hours. When the running hours overtakes the hours, the display shows the code “SEr” alternated to the temperature read by the heat exchanger, LED service is lit and the device works normally. To show/cancel the compressor running hours have a look at chapter 1 “USER INTERFACE” (labels hSE and rHS).
3.3. Device / Compressor Runtime for FIL
Parameter sets to record the device runtime or the compressor runtime. When the runtime reaches set limit, the display shows the code “FIL” replacing the temperature read by the heat exchanger, service LED is lit and the device works normally. To show/cancel the compressor runtime have a look at chapter 1 “USER INTERFACE” (labels hSE and rHS).
3.4. Input Change Filter
The activation of this input triggers the display showing the code “FIL” alternated to the temperature read by the heat exchanger, LED service is lit and the device works normally. Restoring the normal operation works the same way as cancelling the filter runtime (look for label rFI).
3.5. High Pressure Alarm
During this alarm the compressor is switched off.
3.6. Condenser Fan
3.7. Drain Test
Press and hold button UP 4 s: the relay will be turned on as long the button is pressed. When the button is released the valve restores its cyclical operation.

Filter Alarm

To reset the filter alarm, you need to enter the service domain and then access the “rHF” section. Please follow the steps carefully.

Table 1 Steps to reset the filter alarm


Main page

To disable the Key Lock: Press and hold the SET button for 4 sec

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Key Lock

“Loc” apperars while holding the SET button for 4 sec

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“UnL” appears when key lock is released

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To access service menu (Pb1):

Press and hold the menu button for 4 sec.

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“Pbl” appears when service menu is opened

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To access “rHF”, use the menu keys

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Press the SET button to password section after access the “rHF” section.

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ENter “149” in the password field

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The press and release button SET : the display will show “—” sec flashing

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The main page appears after this operation

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Reset Service Alarm

Table 1 Steps to reset the filter alarm


Main page

To disable the Key Lock: Press and hold the SET button for 4 sec

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Key Lock

“Loc” apperars while holding the SET button for 4 sec

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“UnL” appears when key lock is released

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To access service menu (Pb1):

Press and hold the menu button for 4 sec.

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“Pbl” appears when service menu is opened

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To access “rHS”, use the menu keys

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Press the SET button to password section after access the “rHF” section.

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Enter “171” in the password field

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The press and release button SET : the display will show “- – -” sec flashing

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The main page appears after this operation

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Changing Temperature Units from F/C

To reset the filter alarm, you need to enter the service domain and then access the “rHF” section. Please follow the steps carefully.


Main page

To disable the Key Lock: Press and hold the SET button for 4 sec

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Key Lock

“Loc” apperars while holding the SET button for 4 sec

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“UnL” appears when key lock is released

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To access service menu (Pb1):

Press and hold the menu button for 4 sec.

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“PA” appears when service menu is opened

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Enter “149” in the password field

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After the password is confirmed, it is entered in the definition section.

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Make the value “2” to select the unit Fahrenheit, make the value “1”
to select the unit Celcius use the menu keys ().

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The press and release button SET: the display will show “- – -” 4
sec flashing.

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The main page appears after this operation automatically.

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Filter Alarm Parameters

For the filter alarm duration, you need to enter the parameter field and then access the “A9” section. Please follow the steps carefully.
When making these adjustments, be careful of the timing on the controller. The standard timing is 6000 hours. For this, the value that should be entered in A9 is 60. The controller evaluates the entered values by multiplying by 100. For example; 60 x 100 = 6000 h.


Main page

To disable the Key Lock: Press and hold the SET button for 4 sec

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Key Lock

“Loc” apperars while holding the SET button for 4 sec

Dryer Maintenance


“UnL” appears when key lock is released

Dryer Maintenance


To access parameters menu (PA):

Press and hold the menu button for 4 sec.

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“PA” appears when service menu is opened
Press the SET key to enter the password.

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Enter “10” in the password field, use the menu keys.

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After the password is confirmed, it is entered in the definition section.

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To access “A9”, use the menu keys ().

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Standard filter time appears on the screen. Note! 60 x 100 = 6000h

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Press the Set key after entering the new filter time. Use the menu keys.

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After the process is complete, you can return to the main menu with the OFF button.

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Energy Saving Mode

For the energy saving mode parameters, you need to enter the parameter field and then access the “r1” and “r2” section. Please follow the steps carefully.
“r1” is the initial value of the energy saving mode parameter. After the evaporation value reaches this value “r1”, the dryer goes to stand by. “r1” is the end value of the energy saving mode parameter. When the evaporation value reaches this value, the dryer comes out of the standby and starts to work.


Main page

To disable the Key Lock: Press and hold the SET button for 4 sec

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Key Lock

“Loc” apperars while holding the SET button for 4 sec

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“UnL” appears when key lock is released

Dryer Maintenance


To access parameters menu (PA):

Press and hold the menu button for 4 sec.

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“PA” appears when service menu is opened

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Enter “10” in the password field, use the menu keys.

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After the password is confirmed, it is entered in the definition section.

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To access “r1”, use the menu keys ().

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Please enter the new value, then press the SET button, use the menu keys.

Dryer Maintenance


To access “r2”, use the menu keys ().

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Please enter the new value, then press the SET button, use the menu keys.

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After the operation is completed, you can return to the main menu with the OFF key.

Drain Time Parameters

For the drain times it is necessary to enter the parameter field and then access the sections “u2” and “u3”. Please follow the steps carefully. Note that when these values are changed, the time of evacuation closed time is in minutes and the time of evacuation opened time is in seconds.


Main page

To disable the Key Lock: Press and hold the SET button for 4 sec

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Key Lock

“Loc” apperars while holding the SET button for 4 sec

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“UnL” appears when key lock is released

Dryer Maintenance


To access parameters menu (PA):

Press and hold the menu button for 4 sec.

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“PA” appears when parameter menu is opened.

Press the SET key to enter the password.

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Enter “10” in the password field, use the menu keys.

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After the password is confirmed, it is entered in the parameter section.

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To access “u2”, use the menu keys.

Press the SET button to enter the parameter. Use the menu keys.

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This value is the drain system’s on-time.
Standard time is 5 seconds.

Please enter the new time, the press the SET button.

Dryer Maintenance


To access “u3”, use the menu keys.

Press the SET button to enter the parameter. Use the menu keys.

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This value is the drain system’s off-time.
Standard time is 4 minutes.

Please enter the new time, the press the SET button.

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After the operation is completed, you can return to the main menu with the OFF key.
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Controller Electrical Connection

EV3B23* and EV3B33* have the same electrical connection; EV3B23 relay K1 is rated 16 A, EV3B33 relay K1 is 30 A.
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