If you have a compressed air distribution system for your manufacturing or automotive needs, chances are that some part of it will eventually need attention. A 1/8 inch diameter hole in a 100 psi system can cost you more than $1,200 per year in wasted energy! Here are some tips for maintaining a system in top shape and avoiding costly mistakes.

  • Invest in high-quality materials and builds in the first place. Although it’s a higher upfront cost, investing in high quality compressor piping, machinery, and accessories will help you to save on costs when they’re breaking down less than their cheaper competitors. Consider a custom system for your needs to really nail down exactly what you do and don’t need in a system, and streamline the care you put towards it.
  • Keep an eye on numbers involving electricity usage and efficiency. Air compressor systems are hard on electricity usage to begin with, but hidden leaks can mean that costs will slowly rise and efficiency could be down noticeably. Keep an eye out for something that seems to be more expensive or less effective than it used to be.
  • Schedule speedy routine check-ups often. Keeping check-ups on the system short and sweet, but often, can minimize cost as compared to waiting until a huge issue is apparent and shutting down operations for a large expensive repair.
  • Replace parts that need to be replaced. It’s simple math — replacing a single O-ring or length of compressor piping when it is broken is typically much more cost effective than eventually needing to replace an entire system. Regular repair greatly lengthens the lifespan of your system as a whole.
  • Remember not all leaks are audible with the naked ear. While some leaks can be heard and located with your naked ear, remember that not all can be found this way. Make sure to use another method such as an ultrasonic leak detection device to be on top of sneakier leaks.
  • Record everything. Once you have made routine inspections a part of your upkeep plan, be sure that employees record everything: every inspection time, parts inspected, locations of leaks and broken parts, parts fixed, parts ordered. Keeping a solid maintenance record allows you to be on top of what your system needs and avoid mistakes such as spending time re-inspecting a part that was just inspected, or accidentally re-ordering a part.

When you invest the proper upkeep into your machinery, it will last. Be sure that you start with a quality custom build from Rapid Air Products and upkeep on your compressor piping will be that much easier for your team. There is just no replacement for Rapid Air’s gold standard in expertise and design.

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