When it comes to your compressed air distribution system, you want to use the best materials for the job to get your money's worth and save in any way you can. Investing in the right materials can be tricky if you don't know how to compare them side by side. Ultimately, everyone's situation when it comes to air compressor tubing will vary, but it helps to know the in's and out's of the three types of piping to decide which is best for you. Here, we will show some of the statistics when it comes to PVC, rubber, and polyurethane compressor piping.

Durability and Weather

  • PVC: Made with high-quality PVC and polyester, PVC air compressor piping has the ability to be exceedingly strong. They are able to hold up in temperatures ranging from -22 to over 150 degrees Fahrenheit. They are both weather resistant and UV resistant, making them a strong contender to stand up and continue functioning in extreme conditions.

  • Rubber: Out of all three, rubber air compressor pipes can withstand the highest range of temperatures. It won't break down in poor weather conditions and is extraordinarily durable as well as flexible. It remains resistant to abrasions and ozone conditions.

  • Polyurethane: While not as flexible as rubber hoses, polyurethane air compressor tubing is generally better to use in outdoor conditions. It's very durable and, like PVC piping, is resistant to poor weather and extreme UV conditions. It will also not break down in bad outside conditions.

PSI Ability

  • PVC: PVC has a high ability for the maximum amount of PSI you may need. Keep in mind, if your piping can only handle around 50 PSI but your system outputs more than that, more compressed air will be used and wasted, costing you money. Generally, PVC piping is good for air and water lines and gentle vacuums.

  • Rubber: Rubber air compressor tubing typically has an average amount of PSI it can endure under. This makes them a convenient option for smaller systems with smaller PSI output. It is the ideal type of piping when it comes to various types of tools that use air compression systems.

  • Polyurethane: Like PVC, polyurethane piping has a high amount of PSI it can put out. They are typically best used for outside work, particularly on roofs and framing, since they have a very light, easy to move design.

Depending on what job you need done, all of these different types of piping can be effective in their own way. It's important you choose the right air compressor tubing you need for what job. It will not only make the piping last longer, but it can save you money and make your projects a breeze!

For more information of different types of tubing, visit rapidairproducts.com

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