There's no question that compressed air piping design is important. Considering that almost 70% of manufacturers make use of these systems, it's important that each one serves its purpose and does it well. If you're one of those facility owners who rely on air compressor piping and you've been experiencing problems, it could be time to consider a new compressed air piping design. But before you make any hasty decisions, make sure you're taking the following into consideration. 

Air Fittings and Connections
When you're considering a new compressed air piping design, it makes sense that the first thing you'd want to focus on is the pipes themselves. If a pipe is connected wrong or positioned in an awkward way, there are going to be leaks and other issues. Above all else, you should be worried about three specific things when considering your layout: 

  • Acute angles
  • Condensation
  • Obstructions

If any of these three things seem concerning to you, make sure it's addressed before your new compressed air piping materials are assembled. Remember: the best defense is a good offense! 

Facility Demand
It can be tempting to invest in the newest, biggest, shiniest air compressor system in the world, but that can easily turn into a trap. Over- or under-estimating the needs of your facility can end up costing you in the end. So before you make that impulse purchase, make sure you know exactly how you plan to grow and what you need right now from an air compressor system. 

Compressed Air Piping Materials
Last but certainly not least, you need to figure out what materials will be best for your compressed air system. The prior two considerations may not have a ton of bearing on this decision, but piping materials can ultimately make or break a compressor system. Some of the most popular materials include: 

  • Black steel
  • Galvanized steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)

Choosing a new compressed air system is a daunting task, but it shouldn't be one you can't take step by step. If your facility is ready for a new system, make sure you're taking these things into consideration. And if you still have questions, don't hesitate to speak with a qualified expert.

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